WASTE OF PASTE (6 april 2004)At the supermarket they seem to have a new pack for milk. It looks quite alright - that's no problem. But there is one problem: about one quarter of the milk stays in the pack after you've finished it. You can't get it out. Would that be a problem to you? I don't think you would buy such packs - or would you? Strange enough, nobody seems to mind that you can't get all the toothpaste out of the tube. A tube of toohpaste looks harmless enough, doesn't it? But when it's 'empty', there is still a lot of toothpaste inside, as appears from this diagram: There is actually about one quarter of the toothpaste in the tube. However hard you squeeze, you won't get it out. So if you buy 20 euros of toothpaste in a year, 5 euros are wasted because 25% is thrown away with the tube. But there is a simple way to get it out: just cut the tube in two and instead of squeezing the tube, stick the toothbrush in and use it to get the toothpaste out. But don't let the toothpaste dry out. So first get as much toothpaste out of the short end as you can. Then clean it and use it to close the tube:
You think this is ridiculous? No problem! Nobody forces you to save money!