Overtom's weblog

VIBRATOR  (4 november 2006)

It was at least fifteen years ago that I opened a catalogue of a large mail-order firm and saw a bar-shaped device being offered. It was depicted in a way in which it would most probably not be used by would-be purchasers.

Since the moment that I beheld the device in the catalogue, social standards have undergone quite some change. Still I doubt if a 2006 mail-order catalogue will show a vibrator used in a practical situation -- if I may express myself in a not too explicit fashion.

I have to think of this regularly whenever I am awakened again by the heavy vibrations of a device exploiteded by a fitness company that operates below my apartment.

Insiders have told me the device is sometimes referred to as a vibrating plate. It seems It seems to be quite popular with the ladies.

Quite a while ago, I wrote a note of complaint to David Lloyd. But they seem to think it's better just to play dumb and refrain from responding at all.

Can you imagine what it's like regularly to be awakened too early and the first question that pops in your mind is to what extent David Lloyd's vibrating plates  are comparable to the tools shown in the mail-order catalogue mentioned above?

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