Schachcomputer 64 versus Saitek CalculatorSchachcomputer 64
Some people reported their Schachcomputer 64 did not have the kind of drawer with a chessboard like Saitek's Calculator because it seemed impossible to pull any such drawer out of the computer. As can be seen in the picture above, however, Schachcomputer 64 does have such a drawer. That this drawer should exist is not only suggested by its similarity to Saitek's Calculator, but also by the text shown below on the box of Schachcomputer 64: It turned out that a screw had been fixed into the bottom under the drawer in such a way that it would normally be impossible to get the drawer out. I had to use a screwdriver the size of breadknife and apply considerable force to get the drawer out. When I got it out at last, the force of my efforts had bent the screw downward. I had to cut the screw off to make it possible to slide the drawer back again. The picture below shows the screw (after it had been cut off). You can also see the marks left by my efforts. Anyway, what is clear is that Schachcomputer 64 does have such a drawer, albeit almost inaccessible.